Saturday, February 10, 2018

One Month!

How does time pass so quickly? I feel like I have only been in Nepal a short time. School is winding down, and my days are filled with helping my students with oral and written reports. I love teaching English, especially to students who are eager to learn it.

I had quite a scare this week when the littlest girl hit her head on the edge of a concrete window ledge. I don't handle blood well, and I was afraid she would have a concussion because of how hard she hit. Thankfully, Janelle, a missionary teacher here, was home. She cleaned the wound so we could see how bad it was then went to the clinic nearby. No stitches were needed, and they sealed the wound with a powder to clot the blood. Thankfully the little girl was none the worse for wear.

Today, I played the piano for  services. I did ok for most of the songs, but not knowing a tune, not knowing a language, and having to transpose every song, because two notes on the keyboard do not play, made for an interesting day. If anyone knows of a cheap, decent keyboard that could be Bough in  Nepal or shipped here, please let me know. Another need the school has is a set of Encyclopedias, preferably no older than ten years.

Today, I made banana pudding. Most of the kids liked it.
On Tuesday, I plan to make donuts since it is a holiday from school.

Please pray for the Tamangs as they are looking into a site for another home which will be to rescue girls in the same way as Amy Carmichael. Although, certain practices are now illegal, some outlying areas still do many of these illegal practices. Pray for wisdo, and open doors if this is what God wants them to do.

Please pray for my parents as they travel to Maine. Also, pray for the school and children's home here in Nepal.  Pray for the ground water to be at the right levels. Winter is the dry season, and there has been a little trouble with the water levels. Pray for a situation that I need to have a clear answer for.

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