Monday, July 18, 2022

Life Continues

 I have been home a couple of weeks now, and most of that time has been spent caring for my mom and buying furniture for my room and trying to get the house settled. Sometimes moving feels like starting all over. Hopefully we will be settled in totally by next week.

Mom is working on getting rid of three blood clots in her leg. She is also still trying to heal her torn hip muscles. Because of these issues, her heart rate and blood pressure have been giving her trouble. Prayers are appreciated.

Our church did an outreach program to pass out tracts and John and Romans. The people participated and really enjoyed the opportunity. We had several visitors come over the last few weeks. Please pray that God will continue to bring people in and that our people will continue to have a burden to reach out.

My sister's baby has a cat scan coming up next week for his heart. Please pray that the doctors will see everything they need to. Surgery is possible in August.

Until the baby has surgery and my mom's health is better, I am waiting to begin traveling again. Please pray that God will open the doors for the places He wants me to go.