Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Puerto Rico!

 Sorry for the long delay in blogging. Life got busy the last couple weeks of February as I prepared to come to Puerto Rico. I am thankful God opened the door for me to come and teach for a friend who is getting married. I am teaching 3rd-4th grade. Some of the students I had in after school when they were in k4-k5. Many of my former students are still here.

I came down a week early thinking I would get a chance to rest up before beginning classes, but God had other ideas. Due to a teacher being sick, I ended up teaching 6-12th grades in various subjects. It was fun having some of my 1st and 2nd graders in the classes I was teaching.

The ministry here is very busy. The pastor is caring for two churches, so we have church on Sundays at 9 am in Humcao, 10:30 am -1pm in Ceiba, and then we have Wednesday night church in Ceiba and Thursday night church in Humacao. Saturday, we visit for the church in Ceiba. I was able to visit three boys who were some of my first students. I am very proud of how they have grown up. 

I am happy that although I still cannot speak a lot of English, I can understand enough to listen in church without needing a translator. I will be playing piano for the Wednesday and Sunday afternoon services in Ceiba. We had a good crowd at the Ceiba church on Sunday. Please pray that the Humacao church will begin growing, and that a pastor can be found to take over the work.

Please pray for the online Bible study I am trying to have for the young people from my church in Maine. I am hoping it will be an encouragement and help as they grow in Christ. I truly believe God is moving among the young people. Many of the great old preachers, teachers, and soul winners are dying off, and sadly the middle generation is failing in many churches today. We have seen young people across our nation and around the world who are interested in revival. I truly believe Christs return is very near.

Please continue to pray for healing for my mom. Pray for our church, Anchor Baptist that it will continue to grow through the outreach ministries we are starting.

Please pray that God will open doors for me to travel to England and Europe to complete trips that were cancelled in 2020.