Sunday, September 12, 2021

Remembering 9/11 and Anchor Adventures Kickoff

 Memories are funny things. One event can bring sadness and pride. I remember my grandmother calling from NY. She and Grandpa watched the Today show religiously, and it was on from beginning to end. Grandma called to tell us about the attack in NYC.  She told us Grandpa was watching and saw the second plane coming, and he said, "It's on purpose. It's an attack." What a sad day for my Grandpa who fought in World War 2 and lost a son in Vietnam.

We turned on the tv, and I stayed glued to it all day. I watched the towers fall, and I knew that someone within the US had helped plan this attack, and had aided and abetted the enemy into gaining access to entry in the US, entry with knives into the airport, and prior entry to the WTC to plant the explosives which brought the buildings down in a controlled demolition. I saw the people jump to their deaths. I saw the fire at the Pentagon, and the crash site of flight 93. For days, I heard the stories of the brave Americans who fought back, not soldiers, ordinary citizens. I read the news articles in the papers and Time magazine. The memories are etched in my mind.

I remember the feeling of unity in the nation. No one was pulling the race card, protesting against religion... Instead, everyone including dance halls, bars, clubs... were posting God Bless America and Pray for the Troops. Every color volunteer went into those buildings and brought out the bits and pieces of what was left of Americans. Not African Americans, black Americans, white Americans... Americans. American flags were everywhere.

In just 20 years, this has all changed, and the man called the president of the United States handed the same people responsible for these attacks the country of Afghanistan on a silver platter. What a slap in the face to those who died in the attacks, those who died trying to rescue the victims, and the soldiers who fought to free two countries from the grips of terrorists. 

Today, as I look back on these memories and events, I have two thoughts. First,  while we heard many testimonies of those who died who knew Jesus as Saviour, how many more did not know Him and went into a horrible eternity? Second, while I will fight to keep America free with words, and perhaps someday if necessary with actions, the only thing that will really make us free is trusting Jesus Christ as Saviour and telling others about Him.

This second thought is why we kicked off our Anchor Adventures kids program this weekend. we have spent a month preparing the decor, creating a script of adventures, and passing out flyers. The results, we had two visitors on Friday, and 10 visitors in church today. Six of the visitors today were kids.We are tired, but we know that God blessed our efforts to reach people for Christ.

We had 50 people in church today. it has been awhile since we had that many, and it was very encouraging. even with the somber beginning of our service as we remembered 9/11, the spirit among the people was uplifting. We had one visitor baptized.

Prayer Requests:

Unspoken that will require prayer for a long time. Two sisters who are pregnant, both with some health complications. Our kids program for continued growth. That more governors will join in the stand against vaccine mandates... that airlines will release their mandates and countries will open.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

To Everything There is a Season...

 Summer in Maine was very different this year. It rained through most of July. August has been fairly mild, and September has opened with cooler temperatures, and changing leaves. The birds and squirles have been gorging themselves at my feeders. I think winter is going to be long and cold.

Just as there are physical seasons in our world, there are seasons in people's lives and in church ministries. Our church has gone through many changes over the last three years. Last year was especially difficult, and the changes it brought to our church and people were not all what we would have wanted. For awhile, it felt like we were having to restart the church due to those who had remained home for so long. Even now, we still have some who attend sporadically or come to only one service. I always thought the falling away would be the very liberal churches, but I am seeing once strong Christians sliding further down the slippery slope. This is not just in our church; I am seeing it in pastor's I once looked up to who have changed the Bible and doctrine. I am seeing it people who cannot let go of the past and have allowed it to control them to the point of it destroying ministries and homes. America needs revival; churches need revival, and individuals need revival.

An exciting new season is starting for our church as we kick off our kids ministry Anchor Adventures. We are having a three day kickoff beginning Friday, September 10. We have at least two new families who are interested in coming, and we have several others we are working on. Please pray this will bring not only kids to church but their parents as well.

In the past few weeks, we have seen some terrible political things which have cost American lives. My brother rode Patriot Guard for one of the soldiers killed in Afghanistan. I read a post from two missionaries I know who have been in contact with missionaries and national pastors in Afghanistan. Two Christian men were taken by the Taliban. One was crucified, and the other was dragged to death. Other stories through various Christian groups have surfaced of Americans being on the phone with Christians in Afghanistan and the those Americans could hear the gunshots as the Taliban entered the room and killed the Christians. Afghanistan is just one country in which there is political unrest and Christian targeting. Nigeria, Haiti, China, and Myanmar are also dealing with these issues.

Please pray for some very special unspoken needs in our family. Two of my sisters are pregnant, so prayers for them are appreciated. We still have need of someone to help with our youth and music. Please pray that God will do some miracles and open up travel without restrictions of any kind. I have had a request for help in China, and I would still like to fulfill my trips to England and Europe.