Friday, August 30, 2024

Vacation and the Start of College

 Whew! what a whirlwind it has been since I returned to the States. After a long flight into Florida, I was able to spend 4 days with my aunt and her family. Some of them I had not seen in about 30 years. I then drove across the state and spent three days with my cousin and his new wife. I had not seen that cousin in about 20 years. It was a nice vacation between my missions trips and the start of college.

I flew from Florida to Chicago to pick up my truck, and drove straight to my sister's in Iowa. I spent a few days with her before heading north to Fort Dodge and Harvest Baptist College. I am teaching an English Grammar class and a How to Teach English as a Second Language class in exchange for classes on counseling and spiritual warfare. I taught my first class Thursday, and spent Friday listening to a great chapel sermon and some great teaching on how to discover the why and the what of events that happen in life. If you want to hear some great teaching and preaching from a man who counsels all over the nation, look up Harvest Baptist Church Fort Dodge, Iowa on Youtube. The college here has a whole different mindset on what kind of servants of God they want to turn out. I have attended two other great Bible colleges, and I learned a lot, but the teaching and purpose here is very different. I am looking forward to what God has for me to learn.

 I was able to go out soulwinning on Thursday before church. I met a man named Brandon and teen girl named Makinley. They both trusted Christ. Please pray that the pastor and his wife will be able to visit and talk with the mom who was not present, and please pray Makinley and Brandon come to church.

I would appreciate prayers that I can find a job. Online work where I can set my own schedule would be ideal because I could travel and fulfill my tasks, but I am also looking for a job in the local area. I have applied to a few places, and now I am waiting for responses.

I have not requested prayer in awhile for an ongoing unspoken request. It is a this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting situation. Please pray that God's Spirit will be heard and conviction will fall on those who need it.

Please pray for my home church Anchor Baptist. They are growing with many different nationalities. One Hatian lady has brought 10 or more people personally. Satan is fighting this growth, so please pray that the people will get behind the pastor and do what is right to keep the church moving forward.

 Please pray as I plan for the future. I hope to be able to travel to England and Europe early next year. Due to having purchased a truck on payments, I need a job. I always ask God to open the doors I should go through and close the ones I shouldn't. I am waiting to see what doors He will open over the next few months.

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