Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Prepping for a Move

 Life hasn't gotten busy and many things have come into play that I wasn't expecting. On Sunday, I will be moving to Iowa. There are some ministry opportunities waiting there for me. 

At the end of the month, I.will fly from Chicago to Guyana with two young ladies to begina 6 week missions trip. This will be the first trip with young people traveling with me. I am excit d to see how God uses this to inspire more young people to get involved in missions now. 

Last Saturday, after several months of looking for a motor home, God inst ad blessed me with a small pickup truck. It is only 10 years old and in excellent shape.  I will be driving it to Iowa over a three day period, so please pray that all goes well.

God still has not given me a clear go signal for England and Europe. Please pray that He will show me when He wants.me.to.complete those trips.

My nephew Joel has a heart Cath on July 27. Please pray all looks well and he has no complications.

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