Saturday, June 22, 2024

Missions Trip is Right Around the Corner!!!

 Next Monday morning, July 1, I will fly with two young ladies to Guyana for two weeks, and then continue on to Chile for three weeks. This will be the first time I have taken people with me to show them how they can be help short term to missionaries. In Guyana, we will help The Runyon family and their church host a VBS. In Chile, we will be helping with the Saint family with child care and ministry work while Mrs. Saint is still recuperating from the birth of her baby.

Being a short term missionary means an individual can raise support quickly for individual trips instead of needing to go on deputation for two or three years to raise full time support to remain in one country. Short term work also means an individual can help a missionary family stay on the field longer. Many missionaries are leaving the field for health reasons, lack of funds, the hardness of being separated from friends and family, the difficulties of being in hard countries... Getting a few weeks or months of relief in the ministry, home, or having help for building projects and soulwinning can make a huge difference in the lives of the missionaries. Many people think they can't commit to missions because they think they must be willing to go stay in one place for the rest of their lives, but a man who can swing a hammer, a lady who can cook a meal or care for child, people who can win people to Christ or teach can all be a huge help and blessing to missionary families. Most countries allow a person to stay up to three months on a visa.

I will return to Iowa in the fall to teach a How to teach ESL class and a Grammar class at Harvest Baptist College. I will also be taking some classes which will help me with counseling and dealing with the spiritual warfare of everyday life and especially life in countries where demonic oppression is very tangible. 

Praise!!! God allowed me to find a good truck with low miles at a very low price including a 10 year full warranty. Please pray that God will provide the funds necessary for paying this off.

I would appreciate prayers as I try to raise more supporting churches so that I can eventually travel on a regular basis without needing to stop to work a job to raise personal funds. I would also appreciate prayers that I can find a remote job which I can do even while traveling. 

My mom has had some good news in regards to her hip, and she begins a new therapy next week to see if it will help her hip muscles to heal. Please pray for the church in Maine as they prepare for a VBS which they hope will bring in more children which in turn will lead to families getting saved and coming to church.

Please pray for my nephew Joel on June 28 as he goes in for a heart cath and possibly a stint placement.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Prepping for a Move

 Life hasn't gotten busy and many things have come into play that I wasn't expecting. On Sunday, I will be moving to Iowa. There are some ministry opportunities waiting there for me. 

At the end of the month, I.will fly from Chicago to Guyana with two young ladies to begina 6 week missions trip. This will be the first trip with young people traveling with me. I am excit d to see how God uses this to inspire more young people to get involved in missions now. 

Last Saturday, after several months of looking for a motor home, God inst ad blessed me with a small pickup truck. It is only 10 years old and in excellent shape.  I will be driving it to Iowa over a three day period, so please pray that all goes well.

God still has not given me a clear go signal for England and Europe. Please pray that He will show me when He those trips.

My nephew Joel has a heart Cath on July 27. Please pray all looks well and he has no complications.