Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Moving Week

 Well this is the last week to be out of the house my parents have been renting. We still aren't sure of the truth of who owns it...,but no matter what we will be out. We still have no leads to a new residence.

My mom and I are flying to Iowa so she can spend time with baby Joel before his next surgery. Please pray as he has a heart Cath on June 10, and surgery will be scheduled soon after. We are still praying for some miracles of healing in his heart, but no matter what the bands put on to decrease oxygen to the lungs and spread it through the body will have to be taken off  pray for God to protect Joel and guide the doctors hands, and pray for peace for my sister and her family.

This week is Memorial Day, and I think about my uncle who gave his life in Vietnam to save his fellow soldiers.  I think of the millions who have sacrificed their lives, the lives of their family members, the childhood years of their children, the early years of their marriages, their wealth and lands... Since this nation began. As I watch the current government try to steal away our rights, vote away our rights, give power over our lives to a killing machine, remove the power of our money, remove the will power to work and provide for families... I pray that God will cause Americans to rise up one more time and throw tyranny to the winds. 

Jesus is coming soon, and I see time slipping by that should be used to reach others for Christ. Instead, the time is being used to bash ministries who are giving the true Gospel, it is being used to remove the truths of God's Word and give people a false sense of security in a "Christian" rock and roll culture, and so much more that is displeasing to God. My prayer is that revival will take place in the hearts of those who claim to be Christians. You can't revive something that is dead. A result of revival is souls saved, but revival is for the saved to return to the truth of God's Word, surrender to God's will...

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