Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Day

Memorial Day has a lot of meaning for my family. Both sides of my family have longs lines of military men and women. Nathanael Greene is a fifth generation grandfather to my dad's family. My dad's father fought in WWII, and his brother, John Edward Rarrick, was killed in Vietnam. Most of my dad's brothers spent time in the military. Several of my mom's uncles were in the military, and some earned high ranks. Her brother was also in the military. We are proud to be Americans, and we are honored to have an American heritage like this. On this Memorial Day as you spend time with your family, don't forget the families, like my friend from college, who have lost their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers. Remember the price of your freedom was the death of someone else.

This is also true of the price for sin. If we were to pay for our freedom to sin, we would have to die, but Jesus paid the price and died for us. Jesus said there is no greater love than if a man dies for his friends, but Jesus died for His friends and His enemies. Let us not forget that the freedom of our country was bought with the blood of those who believed in the saving power of the blood of Jesus.

Life is somewhat back to normal. I am in the preparation process of leaving for Puerto Rico to teach for the school year. I booked my ticket, and I have been packing my winter clothes away since I won't need them until Christmas. :-) I have already been working on themes for my classroom, and I ordered a few things for it last night. I will probably be teaching 5th and 6th grade this time.

I was able to speak at a Christian school here in Maine on Friday. It was a blessing to see several students who are already interested in missions with some going on missions trips this summer. A little girl who has been in the school for three years put her faith in Christ. Her older sister, who is about 4th grade, has been witnessing to her devout Catholic family members as well as her priest. When the older sister found out the younger sister had received Christ, she gave her a big hug. It was so sweet to see God working in these girls lives at such a young age.

I have been in touch with a couple in Romania. They have a home for unwed mothers. Currently, their are two expectant mothers there. They are need of help in the home, so I plan to go sometime next year. I will also be in Poland for at least a month, and I am working on other places to be of service.

The church here in Maine needs prayers as they look for a youth pastor and pianist. we are also in the midst of an Each On Reach One contest. Pray that many people will be saved, many people will come to church, and the members will grow in their service to God through tract distribution, soulwinning, and other areas.

Please keep my sister Janna in prayer concerning her pituitary tumor. Her husband also needs a job. I have many other family members going through illnesses and hard times. Pray for me as I continue planning and  putting money aside for next year's trips. Pray for laborers to go and be an extra set of hands to those serving in foreign lands.

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