Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!!!

 Tonight, I am 33 years old in Christ.

Christmas Eve 1989- I was 5 years old. My dad was my pastor, and I had been in church since before I was born. We had a rule in our house, once in bed, no coming back downstairs. That night, I could feel the conviction of God, although I didn't know what it was at that time. I afraid. I knew that sin was all the bad things I had done like lying, fighting, disobeying..., and I knew that there was punishment for sin, death in Hell. My dad may have preached about Hell in church on that night. All I know is I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about my sin.
I quietly slipped downstairs and stood at the doorway to the living room watching my dad as he sat in the light of the Christmas tree. He finally looked up and said, "What do you need?" I didn't say anything, I just went and crawled into his lap. He then started asking me questions, and I told him I needed to get saved. He explained everything I knew by heart from church. he then asked me if I understood I was a sinner. I shook my head yes. He asked if I believed Jesus died for my sin, and I said yes. He then told me that if I wanted to ask Jesus to forgive my sin and save me, I could pray and tell Jesus. I bowed my head and prayed. I don't remember what I said, but I do remember that my heart felt light, and I wasn't afraid to go to sleep.
Today, I passed out 75 loaves of gingerbread to our neighborhood. Everyone who accepted the breads, which was all but one person, were so happy and thankful. The one who didn't accept the read was a lady who lost her husband in October. She told me she wasn't doing anything Christmasy because she didn't want to think about it without her husband. Please pray that I can be blessing to her and win her to Christ. Each loaf of bread had a tract and a short Christmas story and plan of salvation with it.
Tomorrow, we will have a carol sing at our church. Please pray we have a good attendance, and that we have visitors.

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