Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Prayers Needed

For a few months now, our church has been praying at 8pm for revival. Churches and friends across the country have been joining in. We are praying for personal revival, church revival, and revival for pour country. This past Sunday, a pastor in California was fined $10,000 dollars for holding two services. Other churches in other states have been through similar problems during this attempt of communist, antiGod, antiAmerican takeover. I have been praying that the truth will come out in respect to the covid falsehoods which have been used to create fear and submission, the people behind the falsehoods and division created by the BLM/ANTIFA groups, the politicians, stars, companies... involved in human trafficking, and the traitors who have been selling America out for several decades now. I am asking every person who claims to believe in God to call out to  Him and ask Him to reveal the truth. I believe president Obama was an 8 year warning of what we can expect if we get another antiGod, antiAmerican president. I believe President Trump has been a four year blessing to give America, and especially Christians, time to turn back to God and His Word. I believe the election this year, more than ever before, is a battle not between political parties but between good and evil, proAmerica and antiAmerica. Please join me in praying for our nation. Jesus is coming soon!

The second prayer request I have is for my mom. She has had heart issues for almost two years due to high decibel music played in a building where we lived. A week ago, she was at home on  a Sunday alone when her heart rate dropped dramatically and she became violently ill. She was able to reach me at church, and I had a lady bring me home. By the time I got home, she was much worse, so I called my dad to leave in the middle of preaching. He arrived home, and we called an ambulance. She was in the hospital from Sunday until Tuesday evening. The condition she has cannot be fixed by medicine or surgery as it has to do with the electrical function of the heart in two chambers. Sometimes her heart rate accelerates, and sometimes it drops very low. We have begun several natural health pursuits which we are praying will at least keep these episodes from being frequent. We also hope to see an integrative doctor who specializes in cardiovascular health. The natural pursuits and doctors visits will be quite expensive, so please pray that I am able to find a way to make an income without having to leave my mom alone. 

The third request I have is that God will allow all the shutdowns, travel restrictions, masking... to be removed so that I can fulfill some promised missions help trips to England and Europe. I had postponed my trip to England last year in order to help the school in Puerto Rico, and then I had to leave there early because of the travel issues caused by covid. Please pray also as I have lost two supporting churches.

The fourth request I have is for our church ministry. We want to get back to regular services, but there are still some things standing in the way. Please pray that my dad will have wisdom and courage to do whatever God asks him to do in regards to our ministry.

Last, please pray for my siblings as they are all dealing with some financial difficulties. One sister had damage from the derecho in Iowa, others are dealing with job changes and moves. Pray for wisdom for each.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Waiting is not something I'm good at. Waiting to see exactly what God has in store since I returned home has not been easy. I hear of missionaries around the world trying to work in their ministries and help their communities, and I wish that the countries were open so I could go and help. But, God has not allowed this to happen. Even in the US, areas are still under lock downs; churches are under fire with threats of closure, fines, and even jail. So, while I wait, I am looking for opportunities to help in my home church. I am involved in the music, and I hope to be more involved with the young people. I am also helping some of my family with child care due to various circumstances. When I share my ministry, I encourage others, especially young people, to get involved where they are. Help with the behind the scenes work in the church such as cleaning. Help with soulwinning, kids programs...

Please continue praying for my dad. He has recovered well from his oral surgery and is getting used to his new teeth. He preached on Sunday without any issues. He will be preaching in Alabama the end of the month.

I will be traveling with my parents to Alabama, and then I will return to Iowa to care for my sisters kids for a few days.Please pray for my niece Verily. She still needs to have her kidneys tested, and there is only one pediatric urologist in Iowa.

Please pray for and continue to support your missionaries. Many are in dangerous areas, in countries that are still closed, and many are providing for their ministries, their people, and their communities due to the shut downs. Others have had to return to the states on emergency flights which are extremely expensive.